Thursday, January 21, 2010



1. an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success:

I have been thinking a lot about what failure is, an how I have failed on my MANY attempts to loss weight. Normally, I get all excited do all this planning. I'm going to loss this much weight each week. Calculate if I loss x pounds a week i'll be at goal by summer/birthday/christmas/New Year. So its all about the planning and not so much about the doing. So this time I'm going about it the just the opposite.

Normally I try to eat a wide variety of food, thinking this will help me not get bored: This time I'm limiting what I'm eating so it becomes a non-issue.

Normally I weight every day: I'm going to limit weighting myself to twice a week.

Normally I have weigh in day on Fridays so I can pig out over the weekend: No more, that is why I created Monday morning reality check.

Normally I will go through the calendar and calculate what my weight should be each week, so that when I don't meet that goal it just goes down hill from there: This time I'm not going to set weightloss goals. I'm going to set healthy eating goals and workout goals and I believe if I follow those the weight will follow.

Normally I would say that Monday is the first day of my diet. Its discourage to think this is the first day with many many many many days to follow: I think I'm going to fast forward and this is day 12 with only 12 more days to go. I know this might sound silly for a lot of you, but since the other doesn't work for me, I'm trying something new.

So happy eating,

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