Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Its so hard....

Did awesome last week and lost 4 pounds! The weekends are still very hard for me. We had a birthday dinner which include brownies and chocolate brownies...yummy. Plus had a bed picnic with the hubby. Need to make sure I only do that about once a month is that. Worked out 5 days last week. I'm hoping to get in at least 4 maybe 5 this week.
Really busy week have something going on almost everyday so it can be tricky. I feel really guilty taking the time to do it during the day, when we can't go at night. I know my kids are getting enough time with me so but its just one of those things to deal with. I have to remind myself that life is a balance it can't all be about me or about the kids. Trying to find that balance is hard, the squeaky wheel get the attention.
I'm going to do jam in about 30 minutes. Haven't done that class in a long time, should be really fun. Trying to get in 3 hardcore cardio a week along with two days of weights. Feeling pretty good. Not to sore but can feel my muscles working.