Sunday, January 31, 2010


1. the act of anticipating or the state of being anticipated.
2. realization in advance; foretaste.
3. expectation or hope.

This week has gone by so fast, zip, zap, zoom its Sunday night. So, I know that I said I was only going to weigh in once a week. I should rephrase that to, I'm only going to record my weight once a week...hehe. I couldn't stand it, I had to see if it was working.

I felt like I was eating a lot, but way differently then I normally would. I tried out different recipes that I would never have tried before. I had some things I really like and other that nourished my body but not the taste buds. I'm hoping as this goes on my craving for creaming, sugary goodness will fade. I guess I need to change my thinking to; Fruity, fibery, goodness... hmm it does have a nice ring to it.

I was hoping to work out 6 days this week, but I only did 4. On a couple of those days I actually did two workouts so I guess that almost counts at 6. I'm the queen of justifying. So Monday I'm back to my goal of 6 days a week and I'll take it one day at a time.

Tomorrow morning is the first weigh in. I think I did well. I'm also going to be tracking my waistloss, since according to Dr Oz that is the most important thing.

Until tomorrow!!! Is the anticipation killing ya!!! It is me!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This week so far....

The weeks go by fast. Can't believe that it is already Thursday and I have been at this for 4 days...OK 3 days and a morning. So I weighed in this morning and I have lost 5 pounds so far.... yippee!!! The best part is that it hasn't been all that hard. I'm following the real age diet and basically I'm eating all I have a pretty big breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert, snack. That's a lot of eating. You can check the diet out at I have tried lots of different eating plans and this by far is the easiest to stick to for me. I must say for me cause it really isn't a one size fits all thing.

I have also been doing the biggest loser 6 week workout plan. The first 3 weeks you alternate between low-intensity cardio with weight training. The last 3 weeks is high-intensity cardio and more weight training. I'm in my fourth day. So for four days I have gotten straight out of bed and workout. VERY proud of myself. I started out with just my stomach measurement and I will do that one each week. I could measure my whole body but its really my stomach that bothers me the most. Funny isn't it that my big ol' butt doesn't... Anyway I will also post that on Monday mornings.

It hasn't been all fun and games though. Last night I was struggling. I wasn't really hungry but I want something satisfing i.e. sweet, creamy goodness. I tried an apple, that so wasn't cutting it. I grab a handful of walnuts, that helped a little. Dinner was to be a turkey roll and baked potato. So I decide to have the baked potato with butter on it and skip the turkey roll up. This is exactly what I needed. Was it the right way.. Maybe not but it did keep me from going and having a brownie sundae at DQ. So I figure that made it right for me at 7:30pm on Thursday Jan 28th. Best of all I'm totally fine with my decision. I don't feel guilt or like I blew my diet. This might not sound like a big thing. But its huge. Things like that can totally throw my diet off. It starts with well I had some butter and blew it, might as well go full out. Some chips maybe a brownie or two, three, four. You get the idea. And even better yet. After that I sat in my bedroom with Garry and went over some health choices that would satisfy me in those situations.

I always look forward to my cup of coffee in the morning. I was trying to think of a healthy snack that I love. Hard to do :) Anyway a couple of years ago a very dear friend of mine showed me Kashi cereal. I love it! Eureka, Kashi! Its awesome with a bit of yogurt and blueberries. Yummy one of my favorite healthy desserts. So off to the store to find me some Kashi.

happy days

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ven-ture & En-dea-vor

1. an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome

–verb (used without object)
9. to make or embark upon a venture; dare to go:

–verb (used without object)
1. to exert oneself to do or effect something; make an effort; strive:

I really couldn't decide on which word to go with so we get both. Such strong words. Daring to go or to effect something, make an effort, striving. I wanted to describe how these words make we feel, the the word feel seems to fall short. I think a better word would be conviction. I'm motivated and convicted that this venture, journey, endeavor, is one that I'm ready and able to embark on.

At first when I started this blog I was thinking I would blog only Sunday night or Monday morning to go along with my Monday morning reality check. But I must say I have felt very inspired to write more. To share words that are floating around in my head. So bare with me if I ramble on about unrelated things. Does all this apply to weight loss, no, but I think it all applies to what we go through when we make major life changes.

I'm assuming that this is the first entry that most (if anyone) reads on Monday. This is my Monday morning reality check. Its a way for me to have accountability as I change my eating and workout habits. Its about having a healthier life style, one that will enhance my life. Am I'm hoping it will have weight loss as an added bonus. You betcha!!! Is it what I'm going to be focusing on. No way!

So here it is day 12 (read decision) and I'm ready for an adventure of a life time. I dare you to join me!


–verb (used with object)
1. to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone

2. to transform or convert.

This really sums up 2009. Changes. For those that don't know me I started to go to church Christmas of 2008. Which if you do know me its almost laughable. A friend invited my family to a kids program they were having. I was VERY leery of going since I really had nothing to do the church. I would have described my views as agnostic at best and very close to an atheist. I have always believed there is more out there and the whole first spark of life through me for a loop, but I wasn't sure where I stood on the whole "God" issue. Anyway one thing lead to another and I fell in love with my church. I have never experience the love and friendship that I found there. Not only from our awesome pastor and the people but from my very personal relationship with God. I could feel it my heart and the first couple weeks I don't think there was a service that I didn't cry in.

I decided to join a growth group and the real understanding started to begin. I still have a long way to go, there are still many questions and ideas that I wrestle with. I believe I'm like an infant,(anything in the first stage of existence or progress) and as an infant, I can't run until I crawl. I believe that as my understanding grows and my mind opens, the questions and doubts will be washed away. Its been such a joy this year sharing with people and just growing in my love of Christ.

OK so your wondering what does this have to do with weight loss. This last year gives me hope that I'm able to change. That things that I thought just a year ago where foolish and impossible are suddenly possible. That people can change their ideas and what they thought, at the time, where core belief about themselves and the world around them. That this year of embracing a new way of being has shown me a glimpse of what is possible. It's a brand new day. This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Thursday, January 21, 2010



1. an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success:

I have been thinking a lot about what failure is, an how I have failed on my MANY attempts to loss weight. Normally, I get all excited do all this planning. I'm going to loss this much weight each week. Calculate if I loss x pounds a week i'll be at goal by summer/birthday/christmas/New Year. So its all about the planning and not so much about the doing. So this time I'm going about it the just the opposite.

Normally I try to eat a wide variety of food, thinking this will help me not get bored: This time I'm limiting what I'm eating so it becomes a non-issue.

Normally I weight every day: I'm going to limit weighting myself to twice a week.

Normally I have weigh in day on Fridays so I can pig out over the weekend: No more, that is why I created Monday morning reality check.

Normally I will go through the calendar and calculate what my weight should be each week, so that when I don't meet that goal it just goes down hill from there: This time I'm not going to set weightloss goals. I'm going to set healthy eating goals and workout goals and I believe if I follow those the weight will follow.

Normally I would say that Monday is the first day of my diet. Its discourage to think this is the first day with many many many many days to follow: I think I'm going to fast forward and this is day 12 with only 12 more days to go. I know this might sound silly for a lot of you, but since the other doesn't work for me, I'm trying something new.

So happy eating,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


- Noun

2. The act of or need of making up ones mind.
3. Something that is decided, resolution.

I think these two definition fit my situation. I need to make up my mind and make a resolution. So this is what I propose. Started on Jan 25th (because I hate new year resolutions) I will be starting a plan which will include healthier eating and working out. Also this plan includes accountability. Which is going to be in the form of Facebooks and this blog.

Every Monday morning I will have a reality check of the past week, good or bad. I will announce on FB if I have gained or loss and my total (hopefully) weight loss. I'm not going to state my starting weight because that is just a bit to much reality for me. I'm hoping by doing this and knowing that Monday morning is reality check in time, it will give me the motivation to follow through.

Since I have many friends that eat so healthy and exercise regular I'm hoping that they will support and encourage me on this long journey. I will post my goals on my blog and maybe what I have been eating, exercising, feelings and such. I expect no one to follow it, but hopefully just typing out what I have done will keep me going for the next week.

If anyone wants to join me on this journey, that would be awesome.! Feel free to post your +/- on Monday so we can cheer you on or give you support you need to get back on track. If you want to start your own blog I think we can link them (I'm new to blogging but it sounds good)

Anyway that's my decision and I'm sticking to it.

Until Monday, happy eating, sweating, and all else that comes your way.