Sunday, January 24, 2010


–verb (used with object)
1. to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone

2. to transform or convert.

This really sums up 2009. Changes. For those that don't know me I started to go to church Christmas of 2008. Which if you do know me its almost laughable. A friend invited my family to a kids program they were having. I was VERY leery of going since I really had nothing to do the church. I would have described my views as agnostic at best and very close to an atheist. I have always believed there is more out there and the whole first spark of life through me for a loop, but I wasn't sure where I stood on the whole "God" issue. Anyway one thing lead to another and I fell in love with my church. I have never experience the love and friendship that I found there. Not only from our awesome pastor and the people but from my very personal relationship with God. I could feel it my heart and the first couple weeks I don't think there was a service that I didn't cry in.

I decided to join a growth group and the real understanding started to begin. I still have a long way to go, there are still many questions and ideas that I wrestle with. I believe I'm like an infant,(anything in the first stage of existence or progress) and as an infant, I can't run until I crawl. I believe that as my understanding grows and my mind opens, the questions and doubts will be washed away. Its been such a joy this year sharing with people and just growing in my love of Christ.

OK so your wondering what does this have to do with weight loss. This last year gives me hope that I'm able to change. That things that I thought just a year ago where foolish and impossible are suddenly possible. That people can change their ideas and what they thought, at the time, where core belief about themselves and the world around them. That this year of embracing a new way of being has shown me a glimpse of what is possible. It's a brand new day. This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

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