Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nope not going to say that....

Good week this week. I lost 4.4 pounds! Still not back down to what I was in June, but I'm closing the gap. Since the end of January last year I have lost a total of 42.2 pounds. I'm pretty proud of that. Recently I read over all my post. Its really nice to be sitting here knowing that I have put in the effort and it paid off. This New Years I know I'm NOT going to be say this is the year I'm going to lose weight. I can say this is the year I will get leaner, stronger, and healthier. That is powerful!!!

I love fall, the leaves are changing color, the air is cool, and the mosquito's are DEAD! LOL Its weird I would think that fall time would be hard to lose weight with all the temptation of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. But I'm getting better at changing up recipes like meatloaf so that I can enjoy them without feeling guilty. I made a great meatloaf with half ground turkey and half hamburger. It was really good. I think the hardest part is not falling back into old routines.

I want to start the New Years under two hundred pounds. I'm 23 pounds away from that right now, so its going to be hard. I'm going to take it one day at a time. Each day putting my best foot forward. So I guess that is my new goal. 199 by Jan 1, 2011. Wow just looking at the number is a little frightening. Its been a very very very longtime since I have seen it.

OK so I need to back track a bit. There are 10 weeks left in this year. So I need to lose 2.3 pounds per week. That is what I'm going to think about this week. 2.3 pounds, 2.3 pounds, 2.3 pounds... that I CAN do.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! You can do it! Awesome job, Ms. Annie. - Lori McG
