Thursday, October 14, 2010


the season of the year that comes after summer and before winter; autumn

—Verb phrases
to lag, in pace or progress:

Perfect definition to describe my time and place. This summer saw a gradual slowing of my progress. My weight bounced as I have stated in numerous blogs. What I call stupid weight. But unfortunately at some point the stupid weight became real weight that one day of eating well couldn't fix. This morning I was up 5 pounds from my low of 219.8. Which is actually 4 pound down from where I was on Sunday morning.

I'm back to tracking. Which as I see over the months is truly the only way for me to lose weight. Ever little tasty morsel needs to be examined, tested, and written down for me to lose weight. Which is just how it is.

I would really like to finish off 2010, by leaving my 200 behind me. What a accomplishment that would be. I would be very very happy, really it would be one of the best Christmas presents yet. I wonder if I should just think of it as Christmas present to me. Here Annie with love from me. Your health, and a smaller butt! Really who could top that :) How does one wrap that...muhaha! Don't ask my hubby he would say just with a big red ribbon bow....

Feeling the need to blog again. I love the fall its my favorite time of year. Also it the time of year with lots of yummy comfort foods, birthdays, anniversary, Holidays. But one day can not a fat butt make. So it will be my resolve that on all the days holidays do not fall on to eat healthy. Days that are holidays, rejoice with my family, enjoy the food, and know that life is a balance. Each day brings it own goodness that should be savoried.

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