Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The journey begins.....

It’s funny how everything works. I have been feeling a bit lost lately, a wrong turn here, a misstep there, not trusting my heart. Where do I belong in this world? When you are constantly bombarded with one message over and over again, you start to wonder maybe that message is right...maybe I’m wrong, maybe my heart doesn't know. Then something wonderful happens, you catch a tiny glimpse, a twinkle on the horizon, you come up for air, gulp in sweet breathe, your eyes open and you can clearly see the path, your path. It will be rocky, it will be steep, treacherous at times but you are more than willing to make the climb.
Last night I was telling my hubby that I’m ecstatic I can believe in a God that isn’t a Christian one. I want to make this clear. I have no problem with Christians and their beliefs. I am joyful that they have found their path to God; it’s just not my path. It’s hard to explain, I wish that I could eloquently write how I feel, but atlas I’m stuck with me… I have been told for so long that God – the Christian God- (read this as the only true God) can only be known one way. That all other ways are wrong, deceiving, and even sinful. I was so confused inside – I felt something more than me, something that loved me, guided me, cherished me exactly how I am, but I also knew deep down in my being that it wasn’t the Christian view of God. So how can this be? Is it really something that is sinful, evil that I felt?
We went to a wonderful Holiday Party. There were people from all walks of life, different views, religion, culture, and ethnicity. My heart sighed. So many different people, yet here we are enjoy each other company, rejoicing in our differences, in fact our differences is what made the party so wonderful.
I had been reading about Hinduism for about 6 months or so. But as it happens so often in our lives, things became busy. I was helping with Boy Scouts, homeschooling my kids, running the kids around to different classes, sporting event, you name it. Hinduism got lost in the shuffle. Then this party reminded me that there is so much more out there then I can see and explore.
I have reopened the books. The journey begins……

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