Sunday, April 4, 2010


1.a proceeding, measure, or provision by which one prepares for something: preparations for a journey.
2.any proceeding, experience, or the like considered as a mode of preparing for the future. act of preparing.
4.the state of being prepared

Well it Sunday night and tomorrow is Monday morning reality check. I need it this week. I have done really good all week. On Friday I was down four pounds...but this is the reality, if I don't watch, track, plan, my eating then I'm not going to have the results I want. I did plan the Easter meal, which was great. We had the dinner on Saturday and I planned it all out. It was healthy low-fat and delicious, but the problem was that it was only that one meal. Did I plan breakfast no, dinner no, what I was going to eat on Sunday (We did Easter dinner on Saturday) no!!! I also haven't gone shopping at all for this coming week.

There is no such thing as willpower only preparation will keep you on track. I know this. I can see over time that the weeks when I take the time on Friday to plan the following week, shop for the food, then prepare ahead of time snacks and lunches my weight loss is much better. I feel better, I'm not hungry and I don't think about what I'm going to eat, because it is already planned. Well, there you go.

OK, so I guess I need to get the tushie moving and plan what I'm eating next week. Will update tomorrow and let you all know where I'm at. Until then....

This week stats: Lost 2 pounds for a total of 25 pounds. My waist still isn't moving.

I guess I should be happy with a 2 pound loss but I know where I was on Friday. So really I had a 4 pound loss and gained back 2 of it over the weekend. Which makes me MAD!!!! These weekends are killing me. I need to plan the weekend better. I planned out next week but stopped on Friday. The weekends are where I really need it. The problem with the weekends is they get busy and I can't eat every couple of hours. So I then I'm starving and I don't care what it is, I just want food. I might need to start carrying a little lunch bag in my purse filled with healthy snacks. I try to grab my almonds and raisins but sometimes I forget. Need to get better at this.

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