Friday, January 14, 2011

Crazy week

What a crazy week. I was doing awesome on the challenge. Then PMS combined with cold weather hit me hard. Don't know if my body was planning on hibernating or what but I first lost 2 pounds, gained that back plus an extra 2. Finally got a workout in, ended the week where I started it at 227. Could be worse. I could have ended up gaining. Looking over my food journal. I had 5 day that were spot on, 1 day that was bad, and one day that was over the top bad and I didn't even track it. Soooo I guess I need to do better. I still think I need one cheat day. Maybe only one meal instead of the whole

My hubby is out of town. I already miss him and the airplane hasn't even taking off yet. I'm hoping to stay super busy so the time goes by faster. Need to make sure that the house is stocked with good food so I don't eat to comfort myself. I think my goal should be to lose enough weight that he will notice a difference when he comes back. Yeah that will be a good motivator.

Deciding if I should hit the gym today. I might checkout what classes they have today. Thats always fun. Since I haven't been all week it will do us good to get out of the house. Going to do that now.

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